

Jakarta Islamic School (JISc) was established to address the challenges of education in Indonesia. There are many schools that have implemented a certain international curriculum, but they lack a global insight and knowledge about Islam. And then, there are other schools that do emphasize on Islamic studies but are behind in terms of adapting an international curriculum. We sincerely hope that JISc would fulfill the yearning of parents who wish their children to have a global insight, have strong Islamic foundations, as well as not forgetting their identity as Indonesian citizens.

In the beginning, there were only 180 students including those in Playgroup, Kindergarten and elementary level studying in Jakarta Islamic School (JISc), located on Jl Inspseksi No 41A Pangkalan Jati, Jakarta Timur. The school building itself was very simple and humble; making some parents doubted the school and liking the building to an animal shed. Eventually, through the perseverance and tireless efforts by Mrs. Proklawati Jubilea (Mam Fifi) and her teachers, the parents began to believed in the school given the changes they witnessed on their children, particularly in terms of their religion and English knowledge and skills; and this had made them become JISc ambassadors and spreading the goodness of the school to their friends and neighbors. The following year, the number of student increased to 280 in total.

On the third year of its establishment, we received a steadily increasing trust from the public. This is shown by the request of the establishment of JISc in their areas, not to mention the large number of students enrolling. This year, aside from JISc Kodam Kalimalang, other JISc schools have also been established namely in Joglo, West Jakarta, Boys Boarding School in Bogor, West Java, Girls Boarding School in Bogor, West Java and JISc Depok West Java. In 2019 the number of students studying in the entire JISc institution constitutes of 2600.

Our Vision

To Build Future Leaders in the World who has International Vision & Insight; Islamic values & behaviour and Nationalism Spirit of Indonesia.

Melahirkan Pemimpin Dunia yang mempunyai visi & wawasan Internasional; memiliki keyakinan atas prinsip-prinsip & akhlak Islami serta tetap memelihara Jati Diri sebagai Bangsa Indonesia.

Our Achievement